Garden Heroes

I’ve had the idea of designing children’s fabrics in the back of my mind for a long time. I’d love to combine the skills I leant as a fashion designer with my children’s illustration work, and hopefully create something exciting. It turns out there is a whole industry called ‘surface pattern’ which includes print designs for clothing and furnishing, and designs for all kinds of products. So after some research and lots of tutorials about creating different types of repeat pattern on Procreate and Photoshop, here is my first collection.

The spot illustrations at the top of the page can be engineered to fit different garments, and they can be used on other types of product too. My inspiration was wild gardens and I’d love to encourage children to learn all about insects and how they really are garden heroes. I also aimed to make these designs as unisex as possible.

This is a ‘fan’ pattern which refers to the way it was created

And this is a half drop repeat

Finally, a repeating stripe using all the garden hero characters, and how it might appear on a sweatshirt.
All images ©Emily Fellah